What favorite food and or beverage do you enjoy

By Cameron Schofield in 21 Jun 2022 | 07:59
Cameron Schofield

Cameron Schofield

Forums Top User
Posts: 3
Member since: 12 Mar 2021
Location: India/Delhi

I am amazed  and thankful to SL for all the wonderful things and ability to reach  out to others in so many different places all over the world. That being said  at least for me as i am building ...in rl my favorite beverage  is coffee or a mocha latte . For food prefer fruit if i am in world during lunch . How about you.

21 Jun 2022 | 07:59
Robert B. Gray

Robert B. Gray

Forums Top User
Posts: 2
Member since: 1 May 2021

Depends on the time of day.

If it's morning, it's coffee. Afternoon, tea or water. Evening, water.

I don't tend to eat often while I'm online. I'll wait until I finish whatever I'm doing, then log off and take a break for a while. 

21 Jun 2022 | 08:00


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